Emmanuel O. OJO, is a Professor in the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ilorin, teaching, research, and with administrative experience. He had served as Level Adviser, Ag. Head of Department. He had public service experience too having served as Special Adviser, (Political Matters) and later Chief of Staff of former Governor of Oyo State. He has to his credit over 100 publications in reputable outlets covering journals, books, chapter in books and conference proceedings. Professor Ojo is a member of many professional bodies both within and outside the country. He is also on the editorial board of Armed Forces and Society (AF&S) Texas State University, USA. As a public intellectual, he had contributed well over 100 articles in different national dailies both within and outside Nigeria. He is currently external examiner to a number of Universities in the country. He has successfully supervised 16 M.Sc. candidates with one Ph.D in Political Science. He had also been on sabbatical leave to at least 3 universities during his career with enhanced knowledge of the workings of different universities both public and private. Professor Ojo, is widely travelled presented papers in national and international conferences and workshops.